Part of a rugged, remote stretch in Maine, the 100 Mile Wilderness is considered one of the most punishing parts of the Appalachian Trail.

Alpine Zone

A zone below a mountains snow line. While it varies depending on the region, its basically the extremely windy area near the tops of tall peaks, making vegetation hard to grow.


The Appalachian Mountain Club is an organization focused on offering activities and huts in New Hampshires White Mountains as well as some surrounding backcountry New England areas.


The Appalachian Trail runs from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin, Maine, a total of 2,184 miles.

Base Weight

Your backpacks total weight crammed with gear, especially your tent shelter and sleeping bag. It does not, however, count consumables like food, water and stove fuel. Ideally, your base weight should be 15-20 lbs., but ultralight backpackers shoot for 10-12 lbs. or less.


A versatile and handy metal clip used to secure ropes and attach other gear on the backpack and at the site.

Bivy Sack

A warming, protective waterproof sack or shelter that covers sleeping bags.


Color-coded markings along trees that act as a guide along the trails.

Bluebird Day

A beautiful, cloudless day with bright blue skies.

Book Time

The estimated time a hike will take, which, of course, varies greatly. Book time is based on the formula using 30 min/mile plus 30 minutes per 1,000 ft. elevation gain.


Traveling off-trail, as you might guess, through dense shrubs and trees.


A spot along or near a trail where a resupply of gear and food is stored.


A stack of rocks often used to mark trails. Its similar to blazes, but usually found in areas where trees are sparse.

Cameling Up

Refilling water bottles when reaching a water source.

Cat Hole

A 6-inch wide by 8-inch deep self-dug hole where you bury feces and toilet paper.


The Continental Divide Trail that runs along the Rocky Mountains Continental Divide and the states of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico, totaling 3,100 miles.


Also referred to as a Notch or Saddle, a col ridges lowest point between two peaks.

Contour Lines

Found on a topographic map, contour lines represent nearby points at the same elevation the closer the line, the quicker the elevation change, hence a steeper climb.

Cowboy Camping

Open sky camping, sans tarp or tent. Only a sleeping bag and starry skies. Best with a clear forecast, of course.


Short for magnetic declination, it refers to the angle of Magnetic North where a compass needle points and True North the North Pole. The measurements of each North can change by up to 50 degrees so its essential to know the declination of your location to know your bearings with a compass and map.


The accumulation of leaves, pine needles, branches and the like that cover the forest floor.


An avid outdoorsy person who escapes civilized society regularly to enjoy nature.

False Peak

Also called a False Summit, this is like a mirage for hikers. Its when you think you see a peak, which turns out to be only a small hill or shoulder.


The Fastest Known Time and record for completing a trail or section of a trail.


A river crossing up to knee depth.


Sliding down snow using your body (no board).


Good Old Raisins and Peanuts or Granola, Oats, Raisins, Peanuts.


The Global Positioning System is run by satellites and the U.S. military.

Herd Path

An unofficial footpath formed over time by hikers. While an unofficial trail, it often presents a shortcut or path that avoids an obstacle.


To carry an extra heavy load of gear.


Usually a shack-like structure or found on backcountry trails.


Part of the Pacific Crest Trail, the John Muir Trail is a 215-mile section that reaches 8,000 ft. of elevation, with alpine zones, majestic mountain views and ample wildflowers.


An elevated open shelter that offers three walls and a roof for extra protection against the elements.


Leave No Trace is based on seven fundamental outdoor principles, designed to help hikers, campers and others minimize their environmental impact.


An often annoying narrow band of snow and ice on a trail still left behind in spring.


short for North Bound.


Short for the United States National Park Service, this agency manages all national parks, monuments, conservatories and historical properties.


The Pacific Crest Trail runs through the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Ridge through the states of Washington, Oregon and California, totaling 2,654 miles.

Peak Bagging

Submitting a collection of peaks within a surrounding area.


The hole your foot makes in fresh, deep snow. An exhausting trek, groups of hikers will often rotate who leads, allowing each follower to step into the existing postholes.


Annoying hills and rolling terrain that dont seem to get you anywhere are called PUDS or Pointless Ups and Downs.


A redlined area is a personal accomplishment, meaning youve hiked every square foot of trail. Take a red marker and map, redlining major and smaller trails youve trekked.

Rock Hop

Fording a trickling stream by hopping on rocks.


Search and Rescue is a volunteer-based unit that is dispatched when backcountry hikers find themselves in trouble.


A field of loose rocks, typically smaller than the size of a head, that have the potential of moving like marbles beneath your feet.

Section Hike

Section hikes are part of a thru-hike. Hikers often choose to complete longer trails like the PCT or the AT through smaller section hikes.


Opposite of humping, slackpacking is when hikers carry minimal food, water and gear. Typically, this is due to having someone else to hump for you or having accommodations at a hut, eliminating necessary gear like tents and other heavier, bulky items.


South Bound along a trail.

Stealth Camp

Also called a Dispersed Camp, this is a low-impact campsite setup situated away from other campsites. Its often used to avoid bugs and critters that are attracted to the other campers.


A zig-zagging trail along a steep terrain. A switchback trail creates a longer trail, but makes it easier to hike.


Similar to a scree, a talus is a field with large boulders, instead of small rocks. Expect to crawl or scramble over on hands and feet at a slow pace.

The Big Three

The Big 3 are the three heaviest essential pieces of hiking gear sleeping bag, backpack and shelter that a backpacker needs. To reduce their base weight, ultralight hikers aim to find the lightest possible variations of these pieces of gear.


An end-to-end hike along the entire trail. More notable thru-hikes are the Appalachian Trail AT and the Pacific Coast Trail PCT, where you can expect to trek at least 100 miles a week. A thru-hiker is someone along the trail.


Short for a topographic map, which displays hills, rivers and other natural features of the region.

Trail Angels

These are basically kind locals who leave treats along the trail.

Trail Magic

Treats or cache found along the trail, left by trail angels or simply discarded or lost by previous hikers.


The point where a trail starts and/or stops. Some larger trails have two trailheads several states apart, while other smaller trails might begin and end in a parking lot with designated signage and free maps.

Triple Crown

You have achieved a Triple Crown when you thru-hike the three largest, most notable trails: the AT, PCT and CDT.


Abbreviation for Ultralight, it means a hiker is carrying a base weight of less than 10-12 lbs., allowing them to trek farther, faster and experience more of the landscape.


The United States Geological Survey agency in charge of producing free topo maps.


A course in Wilderness First Aid offers life-saving knowledge for hikers.


It stands for Wilderness First Responder, who is someone (like a guide) who has taken an intermediate-level course in Wilderness Medicine.

Zero Day

When a hiker spends two nights in a single campsite.